Strong opinions on typing.Protocol

Protocols in Python give us the ability to formally separate the shape of an object from the implementation of that shape.

Published November 2024 - Stephen Moore

I've gone through a journey with static typing, starting from thinking static types were the programming equivalent of unnecessary bureaucracy to thinking it's insane to write any code without having some kind of type checker!

My appreciation for a type checker started when I learnt how to write Scala and then cemented when I spent five years writing Go for LIFX. Around 2022 I started to figure out how to use mypy and what it looks like to take my style of Python and formalise how everything fits together. From the start of 2023 I've had a few sprints where I tried to push the limits of mypy and I'm gonna use this post to explain the approaches I've currently landed on.

This post is around 5000 words excluding code examples, the read time for this post may be around 40 minutes.

What is a typing.Protocol?

Python’s static type checking is an interesting thing cause it’s effectively glorified comments that can be understood by a linter, for an extremely dynamic interpreted language.

I’ve been writing Python nonstop for over 15 years at this point (and for a large period of that I really mean an unhealthy type of nonstop) and I learnt how to use the language without types. What I’ve found as I learn to adapt my style to including these type annotations is a lot of what I did to make code reliable at runtime was the same things the type system formalises.

The typing.Protocol provided to us is a way to declare the shape of some object. For those familiar with Go, they're like an Interface in that language, but with some more capability.

For example, if I want to represent an object that has at least a blah method:

from typing import Protocol

class Thing(Protocol):
    def blah(self) -> None: ...
In this case those three dots are valid Python syntax and lets us define a function with an empty body. Protocols in Python are purely a static time concept and so by definition lack an implementation, which is why all methods on a protocol should be empty (so either a doc comment, or those three dots)

And like Go interfaces (and unlike java interfaces) I don’t need to explicitly declare when an object satisfies this interface.

import dataclasses

class One:
    def blah(self) -> None:

class Two:
    def blah(self) -> None:

    def other(self) -> int:

class Three:
    option: str

    def blah(self, arg1: int = 1) -> None:

In all of these cases if I had something that takes in a Thing I can use an instance of those objects to satisfy that interface

def takes_thing(thing: Thing) -> None:


In all of these cases what’s important is that there is a blah method that can be called without passing anything in and a None value is returned. What that method does or where it gets other input from isn’t relevant.

This gets even more interesting with the "dunder" methods. Especially the ability to represent a callable object

class MyCallable(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, val: str, /) -> str: ...

There are multiple ways to satisfy this

import functools

def _with_def_syntax(val: str) -> str:
    return val

with_def_syntax: MyCallable = _with_def_syntax

as_a_lambda: MyCallable = lambda val: "hi"

# This function by itself doesn't satisfy the protocol
def _function_taking_more(val: str, times: int) -> str:
    return val * times

# But we can curry it to make it satisfy "MyCallable"
with_currying: MyCallable = functools.partial(_function_taking_more, times=10)

def _function_taking_more_with_defaults(val: str, times: int = 10) -> str:
    return val * times

all_extra_params_have_defaults: MyCallable = _function_taking_more_with_defaults

class ACallable:
    def __call__(val: str) -> str:
        return f"You gave me this value! '{val}'"

# It's the instance of "ACallable" that satisfies the interface
as_an_object: MyCallable = ACallable()
Note _with_def_syntax doesn't have the slash in the signature but it still satisfies the interface, because not having the slash means there are more ways to call this method rather than less. If it was the other way round then the implementation would have less functionality than the protocol and the type checker would complain.

Represent class constructors as a separate protocol

A pattern that is less obvious but very powerful is the idea that the constructor of an object is it's own separate protocol

from typing import Protocol

class Thing(Protocol):
    def answer(self) -> int: ...

class ThingMaker(Protocol):
    def __call__(self) -> Thing: ...

The idea is that a constructor (specifically __init__ in the Python language) is an implementation detail for creating an object rather than an intrinsic part of that object.

The reason this is useful is the same reason Java has multiple constructors. It lets us represent what the object is and needs separately from how we satisfy those needs.

Python does not have multiple constructors but we do have class methods and they work perfectly well for this purpose

import dataclasses
from import Sequence
from typing import Protocol, Self

class Stuff(Protocol):
    numbers: Sequence[int]

class StuffMaker(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, *, start: int, end: int) -> Stuff: ...

class MyStuff:
    numbers: Sequence[int]

    def create_from_range(cls, *, start: int, end: int) -> Self:
        return cls(numbers=list(range(start, end)))

In this example there is a protocol that represents the shape for some object, a protocol that represents the ability to create that object from two integers, and a single implementation that satisfies both protocols.

Whereas a more "straightforward" implementation may instead do

import dataclasses
from import Sequence
from typing import Protocol, Self

class Stuff(Protocol):
    numbers: Sequence[int]

    def __init__(self, *, start: int, end: int) -> Self: ...

class MyStuffWithOperationInConstructor:
    def __init__(self, *, start: int, end: int) -> None:
        self.numbers = list(range(start, end))

class MyStuffWithDynamicNumbersAttribute:
    start: int
    end: int

    def numbers(self) -> list[int]:
        return list(range(self.start, self.end))

There are three properties of this design that I believe is less than ideal

  • In MyStuffWithOperationInConstructor we are creating an object with an __init__ method that throws away what it receives

  • The numbers attribute on such an object will either be dynamic when it should be static, or the __init__ method needs to perform some calculations to set the value for it.

  • When writing stub implementations of Stuff for tests, I have to know and care about the objects use to construct this object in deployed environments that I otherwise may not care about in that test (i.e. unnecessary coupling with implementation details).

The separation of concern here is separating what I want from how to get it.

The important thing isn’t the type annotations, but rather using the annotations to guide thinking about data and logic flow. The annotations are a tool rather than a goal. If the annotations are awkward, it’s the linter trying to communicate that something about that flow is awkward.

Confirming something satisfies an interface

It’s very useful that we don’t have to explicitly declare that an object implements an interface, but it still can be useful to make mypy confirm that’s true when we make something specifically to implement an interface (having a choice is about the opportunity to do something just as much as it's about the opportunity to not do that something)

There isn’t a purpose built way to do this in mypy but there is a trick that I find most people have a negative knee jerk reaction to, followed by trying to suggest alternatives, and then finally landing on acceptance:

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, cast

class Want(Protocol):
    def __call__(self) -> bool: ...

class MyFirstCallable:
    answer: bool

    def __call__(self) -> bool:
        return self.answer

class MySecondCallable:
    def __call__(self) -> bool:
        return False

MyThirdCallable = lambda: True

## The interesting part starts here::

    _MFC: Want = cast(MyFirstCallable, None)
    _MSC: Want = cast(MySecondCallable, None)
    _MTC: Want = MyThirdCallable
Note that this is purely a technique for making mypy give us more useful errors closer to where we are explicitly trying to implement a protocol. There is no loss of functionality by not doing this, but it does produce better notices from mypy when an implementation made specifically to satisfy a protocol no longer satisfies that protocol.

There are several parts to this if TYPE_CEHCKING block:

  • The if condition

  • The naming scheme

  • The cast

  • What mypy sees

So first, that if condition. This says only look at this code at static time. Effectively this means this code is never executed. It is only ever statically analyzed. This isn’t strictly necessary but as python is an interpreted language, it brings the neglible runtime risk to zero including the risk that modules external to this one start depending on those objects at runtime, and tells other humans these words are explicitly only for the type checker

The naming scheme I use here makes it such that each variable is prefixed with an underscore and is the name of the variable we are checking as an acronym. The idea is that in python the same name cannot be given different types and so we want a different name for each object we are checking but we don’t actually care what that name is. I tend to find most of the time an acronym will be unique enough that extra letters aren’t required.

That cast is possibly the strangest part. It does make perfect sense though, I promise!

In Python the cast lets us tell mypy to think that we have an object here whose type is an instance of the first argument. At runtime this function returns that second argument without any processing and nothing changes. But at static time mypy will believe the value here has that declared type. So in this case we have the None value but mypy believes us that this value actually is an instance of the type we passed into cast. As a general rule I’m not a fan of cast and I think it’s easy to use it to create code that isn’t type safe, but it’s perfect for this situation.

So in effect, when we say

_MFC: Want = cast(A, None)

Mypy will interpret this as saying we have a variable that has type Want and we are assigning to it an instance of A This is useful because if A does not in fact satisfy Want then mypy will complain at us about that! (the point of a linter is to complain when things don’t match our expectations). Also if creating an instance of a class requires passing in inputs, as is the case with MyFirstCallable, those requirements can effectively be ignored as they aren't relevant to what this check is for.

I'm gonna repeat this several times to make sure it sinks in, but the type checker is a static linter and does not interpret the code. It does the same checks in this block that it does everywhere else, but we're taking a shortcut here because we don't also need to make the code do something useful at runtime.

When a developer is new to mypy it’s tempting to instead do this

_MFC: type[Want] = A

However this gives really poor errors cause, whilst the following description isn't technically true, mypy effectively sees this:

_MFC: Callable[[] Want] = Callable[[], A]

And mypy doesn't give the same level of detail when comparing the values inside a generic (Callable is a generic container).

Also, I'll draw some attention to that last example:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol

class Want(Protocol):
    def __call__(self) -> bool: ...

MyThirdCallable = lambda: True

    _MTC: Want = MyThirdCallable

We don't need the same cast trick here because MyThirdCallable is already an object that satisfies the protocol.

For completeness, the examples in the previous section about splitting the shape of the object from the construction of that object, I'd write:

    _S: Stuff = cast(MyStuff, None)
    _SC: StuffMaker = MyStuff.create_from_range


I find the patterns above to be useful when generics aren’t involved, but they become especially useful when generics are involved. Especially when mypy strict mode is used (which I recommend, it makes it a lot more obvious when mypy isn't complaining because it's comparing against Any types)

I’ll expand on what I mean further down, but first:

The runtime_checkable decorator doesn’t do what it looks like it’s doing

I want to dive into the difference between an abc class and a protocol. On the surface it appears they do the same thing and can be used for the same purpose. I’m here to tell you that’s not always the case!

In short, Protocol classes are the contract for what is available on an API whereas abc classes are a contract for how to provide an API. There is a 1:n relationship between a protocol and an abc class (and potentially vice verca). And more importantly they serve different audiences.

For those unfamiliar with this "abc" class, it's a standard library in Python for creating Abstract Base Classes and the two main features it gives us are
  • The ability to mark specific methods as abstract such that subclasses cannot be instantiated if they don't have an implementation for those methods

  • The ability to register non inherited classes as a member of that abc, so that the abc can be used in an isinstance check against the abstract class

For the purposes of my argument, any standard non protocol class can be the base class for the implementation, but for brevity I will keep referring to any such class as an "abc" class.

This is relevant to a conversation about protocols because sometimes you need to do checks at runtime to know what shape an object is. And it’s really tempting to do the following:

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    val: str

    def process(self) -> bool: ...

def do_something(o: object) -> bool:
    if isinstance(o, MyProtocol):
        return o.process()

The problem however is that runtime_checkable only checks that names exist on the object. It does not check that those attributes are the correct type (and fundamentally can’t do that kind of check at runtime, especially when generics are involved)

It’s certainly safe to do that kind of check on known abc classes though. Here’s an example that’s easy to (incorrectly) dismiss as verbose and repetitive.

import abc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, cast

class Thing(Protocol):
    def val(self) -> str: ...

    def process(self) -> bool: ...

class ThingBase(abc.ABC):
    def val(self) -> str: ...

    def process(self) -> bool: ...

def takes_my_protocol(o: Thing) -> bool:
    return o.process()

def do_something(o: object) -> bool:
    if isinstance(o, ThingBase):
        return takes_my_protocol(o)

    # Note that the point of the liskov violation rules is that if the base class
    # satisfies the protocol, then all subclasses will also satisfy the protocol.
    _TB: Thing = cast(ThingBase, None)

The downside is the code that does this kind of check does need to have known base classes that satisfy the protocol but I’d argue the situations where we’ve dynamically created some object that can be anything should be limited and part of that contract is saying it should be implemented in terms of some specific class (Protocol classes aren't "real" in the same way other classes are).

The reason this makes sense even without the type checker is that static analysis does not care about run time values.

It’s an important concept that does need to be repeated

Values are a run time concept and are irrelevant to the type checker.

So when we have a value that only exists at runtime, we can’t represent it only in terms of type checking concepts. We must first represent it as a concrete runtime object (in this case a subclass of some specific non protocol class) before we can then represent it in terms of a static time concept.

So on my comment about this being verbose. I’ve come to the conclusion that making an abc for every protocol is indeed verbose and unecessary, but there are definitely places where it’s useful and necessary.

For example on a Django project using import_string on some string you found on django settings. The return of that could be literally anything. And so we need a way to assert the type of that value matches what is expected.

The pattern that I have landed on around this is to set an expectation that what is found will be treated as a callable object and we care about the type of whatever we get from invoking that object.

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

def get_some_instance() -> MyProtocol:
    constructor = import_string(settings.SOME_CLASS)
    instance = constructor()
    assert isinstance(instance, SomeKnownABC)
    return instance

If having known abc classes feels like an unnecessary restriction, remember that a Protocol is a static time concept rather than a run time concept.

I think it's an anti-pattern to instead check that we've imported a specific class type like the following for the same reasons that it's a good idea to split the shape of an object from how that object is created.

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

def get_some_instance() -> MyProtocol:
    constructor = import_string(settings.SOME_CLASS)
    # anti-pattern!!!! Don't do this
    # instead prefer isinstance on what is returned from calling the constructor
    # so that we aren't creating an unecessary implementation restriction.
    assert issubclass(constructor, SomeKnownABC)
    return constructor()

If you have a situation where you need to pass something in to that callable, then we have the same problem where we need to first assert a value is some concrete type before we can do anything with any kind of type safety. The pattern I advocate for is to expect an intermediary:

import abc
from typing import Protocol

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

class Want(Protocol):
    info: str

    def process() -> int: ...

# yes, this is the factory pattern!
class WantMaker(abc.ABC):
    def make(info: str) -> Want: ...

def get_some_instance(info: str) -> Want:
    constructor = import_string(settings.SOME_CLASS)
    maker = constructor()
    assert isinstance(maker, WantMaker)
    return maker.make(info)

In all cases the idea is that what we get from import_string should always be treated as a callable that receives no arguments and either returns the thing we want, or the ability to make the thing we want given some extra runtime information.

The reason we want to call what we get from import_string is because without some interesting code (which I've written at work in some nice test helpers at for this mechanism) it will always return something at the top level of a module. So making sure it's a callable means that we have the capacity to avoid import time side effects and have the control to ensure specific operations only happen after everything else has been loaded.


Things are pretty simple until we start to add generics, and whilst it's certainly manageable, it is a bit less simple and straight forward. Personally I see that as an education problem, same as every programming concept in any language. Some concepts require more effort to take on than others, but it can be easy sometimes to mistake unfamiliarity as complexity.

The main difficulty when it comes to generics in mypy is we don't have "higher kinded type vars", which prevents the following:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar

T_Item = TypeVar("T")
T_MyCollection = TypeVar("T_MyCollection", bound="MyCollection")

class MyCollection(Generic[T_Item]):
    # imagine some implementation here

def add_to_collection(item: T_Item, collection: T_MyCollection[T_Item]) -> None: ...

This looks intuitive and I'd certainly love to have that, but mypy doesn't support it

The good news is that what we do want isn’t as restrictive as it first appears. The rules I follow are:

  • Never make a type var from a generic class

  • Make the data generic and the APIs well defined

  • Disconnect what is needed for the API from what is needed to implement the API.

  • Avoid contravariant types

Don’t make a typevar from a generic class

This becomes a bit more obvious when you have strict mode turned on as you’ll find mypy complains about requiring the type var gets filled in. So for example in the example above the type var for the collection is implicitly represented as

T_MyCollection = TypeVar("T_MyCollection", bound="MyCollection[Any]")

So it becomes a question of what to have in place of that Any. The problem becomes whatever we fill it in with will restrict that type var in a way that cannot be further specialised. And it’s inevitable to reach a point where we end up with some code that we want to extend such that the Item has some extra method on it and we start having to do some dodgy casts to depend on that extra method.

In mypy object and Any are both wildcards but object represents no functionality whereas Any represents no types, and as a general rule avoiding Any makes for code that ages less poorly

import dataclasses
from import Sequence
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item", bound="Item")
T_Collection = TypeVar("T_Collection", bound="Collection[Item]")

class Item(Protocol):
    a: int

class Collection(Protocol[T_Item]):
    items: Sequence[Item]

class ItemWithMore:
    a: int
    b: str

class MyCollection(Collection[ItemWithMore]):
    items: Sequence[ItemWithMore]

def takes_collection(collection: T_Collection) -> T_Collection:
    # Something happens with the collection here
    return collection

collection = MyCollection(items=[ItemWithMore(a=1, b="two")])
after_doing_something = takes_collection(collection)

first_item = after_doing_something.items[0]
first_item.b  # attr-defined error cause T_Collection is defined in terms of Item

This however is less of a problem than it first seems, cause a type var is used to represent different API surfaces and isn't necessary to represent different implementations for the same API surface. We don't need to use a type var for something that has a stable API.

When I say "stable" API, what I effectively mean is that the available attributes and methods on the API, it's inputs, and it's outputs don't change depending on the specifics of the implementation

The example above is a very simple case of the problem but the one change to make the types carry through would be to not have the T_Collection type var at all:

def takes_collection(collection: Collection[T_Item]) -> Collection[T_Item]:
    # Something happens with the collection here
    return collection

Essentially we want to make it so we are defining a stable API in terms of an unstable source of data/logic and then it becomes a case of spending the design effort to make sure that the stable API surface is defined by what is being achieved rather than in terms of how it's being achieved.

I recommend this Sandi Metz talk talking about using composition to expand an API surface

A side note about variance

TypeVars have a property to them called "variance", of which there are three types:

  • Invarant

  • Covariant

  • Contravariant

A handy simplification to help understand the difference in variance is that these terms relate to how the types used to implement a container affects how different implementations can be substituted.

So say we have a container generic called Container and it takes a single TypeVar, and we have two classes A and B. We want to know if Collection[A] can be used where a Collection[B] is required.

So say our Collection is defined as

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class Collection(Protocol[T_Item]): ...

In this case T_Item is defined as "invariant". T_Item can be "covariant" if we say instead

T_CO_Item = TypeVar("T_CO_Item", covarant=True)

Or contravariant if we say

T_COT_Item = TypeVar("T_COT_Item", contravariant=True)
The name has no functional purpose and is irrelevant, but I do name them as "T_XXX", "T_CO_XXX" and "T_COT_XXX" to visually disambiguate type vars from other variables. And I never use "T" or "U" as doing a find in a document for a single capital "T" is an awful experience.

Also, I'm gonna ignore PEP 695 for this blog post.

And also there is a section that could be written about what it means to bind a type var but I'll instead only mention that in passing later on.

If the type var is contravariant then Collection[A] can be used where Collection[B] is required if B is always a subtype of A (extra API surface is always dropped)

If the type var is covariant then Collection[A] can be used where Collection[B] is required if A is always a subtype of B (extra API surface is always kept)

An invariant type var is when the other two rules can be violated.

Mypy will guide you to using the correct form but essentially if the type var is only ever used as an input type then it must be contravariant. If the type var is only ever used as an output it must be covariant, otherwise it is invariant.

This is why Sequence is covariant, but list is not! Because Sequence is immutable whereas list is mutable.

To show what I mean:

from import Sequence
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T_CO_Item = TypeVar("T_CO_Item", covariant=True)
T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class ImmutableCollection(Protocol[T_CO_Item]):
    def items(self) -> Sequence[T_CO_Item]: ...

class MutableCollection(Protocol[T_Item]):
    def items(self) -> Sequence[T_Item]: ...

    # T_Item used as an input here and output in the items method
    # so it can only be invariant
    def add_item(self, item: T_Item) -> None: ...

In our mutable collection, the item is used as an input in add_item and so mypy will complain at us if we define that type var as covariant.

This is why the following is a liskov violation (mypy doesn't explicitly call this one out as violating the liskov substitution principle, but that's what is happening here)

import dataclasses

class A:
    def hello(self) -> None: ...

class B(A):
    def hi(self) -> None: ...

class Thing:
    items: list[A]

    def process(self) -> None:
        for item in self.items:

class ThingChild(Thing):
    items: list[B]  # liskov violation!

    def process(self) -> None:
        for item in self.items:

Because say we have a function that takes one of these Thing instances

def processes_thing(thing: Thing) -> None:

We should be able to pass an instance of ThingChild into this function but if we do so we don’t realise in processes_thing that we need to append an instance of B into the items!

The way to solve this is to make the actions here a part of the explicit public API surface:

import abc
import dataclasses
from import MutableSequence
from typing import Generic, Protocol, TypeVar

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

# The public interface doesn't need to be generic!
class Processor(Protocol):
    def add_one(self) -> None: ...
    def process(self) -> None: ...

class A:
    def hello() -> None: ...

class B(A):
    def hi() -> None: ...

# The implementation is generic because the information used
# to satisfy "Processor" likely has an unstable API surface.
class ThingBase(Generic[T_Item], abc.ABC):
    _items: MutableSequence[T_Item]

    def add_one(self) -> None: ...

    def process(self) -> None: ...

class ThingA(ThingBase[A]):
    _items: list[A]

    def add_one(self) -> None:

    def process(self) -> None:
        for item in self._items:

class ThingB(ThingBase[B]):
    _items: list[B]

    def add_one(self) -> None:

    def process(self) -> None:
        # Plenty of room for more nuance of the design of this
        # but this post is long enough already!
        for item in self.items:

def processes_thing(thing: Processor) -> None:

This works because the Processor interface does not care about the how, it only cares about the what. So keeping the specifics of the Item as an implementation detail means we are able to make an orchestrator (what processes_thing is) that works for many different implementations without itself being defined as generic.

Note we can pass in a list[B] to the constructor of ThingA because input arguments are always contravariant, which means extra API surface is ignored rather than remembered.

Ultimately the behaviour is that inputs are contravariant because the implementation will ignore the extra methods and outputs are covariant because the caller expects the extra methods. And the game is all about figuring out what happens when we substitute in a different implementation.

Different data, same functionality

Trying to design an API using protocols first becomes a lot easier when as the developer you recognise that what the protocol needs does not need to include everything the implementation needs.

Unfortunately this means it does take work to get it right! In the projects I’ve tried to do this in I found that the protocols would tell me when parts of the data/logic flow had the wrong responsibilities by being awkward to work with. The more I was able to make for good coupling and cohesion in the design, the more helpful the protocols became. This however is the part that’s hard to sell: the need for a decent level of patient design work. Other than patterns that discourage easy-to-avoid foot guns I personally don’t have good answers for how to carry out that design work (the way I think about API design is highly contextual and difficult for me to generalise).

Avoid contravariant type vars

Avoid is perhaps too strong a word, but in general, I find that having a contravariant type var can be restrictive in a way that isn't immediately obvious, and I do have a pattern that resolves that at the cost of some minor extra boilerplate

As mentioned before, a contravariant type var is used to represent a value where extra API surface is always dropped:

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, TypeVar, cast

T_COT_Item = TypeVar("T_COT_Item", contravariant=True)

class Recorder(Protocol[T_COT_Item]):
    def record(self, item: T_COT_Item) -> None: ...

class ItemA:
    a: int

class ItemB(ItemA):
    b: int

class RecorderA:
    def record(self, item: ItemA) -> None:

class RecorderB:
    def record(self, item: ItemB) -> None:
        print(item.a, item.b)

def record_things(recorder: Recorder[ItemA]) -> None:

# This fails because Recorder[ItemB] cannot be used where Recorder[ItemA] is required

    _RA: Recorder[ItemA] = cast(RecorderA, None)
    _RB: Recorder[ItemB] = cast(RecorderB, None)

The pattern I prefer is to lean into "the only problem layers don't solve is having too many layers" and create an intermediary object that is specific to what is being operated on. This is a bit of a subtle distinction in this example, but it would look like this:

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, cast

class Recorder(Protocol):
    def record(self) -> None: ...

class ItemA:
    a: int

class ItemARecorder:
    item: ItemA

    def record(self) -> None:

class ItemB(ItemA):
    b: int

class ItemBRecorder:
    item: ItemB

    def record(self) -> None:
        print(self.item.a, self.item.b)

def record_things(recorder: Recorder) -> None:

record_things(ItemBRecorder(item=ItemB(a=1, b=5)))

    _RA: Recorder = cast(ItemARecorder, None)
    _RB: Recorder = cast(ItemBRecorder, None)

If this is the extent of requirements then it's likely reasonable to only need to have a record method directly on the items themselves, but it's easy to imagine a scenario where there's a 1:n relationship between item and "recording" functionality and this pattern lets us separate the action of this "record" from what that actually means so that it's the caller that controls what that means rather than the orchestrator.

To be more explicit about what the pattern is, when you have this:

from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T_COT_Item = TypeVar("T_COT_Item", contravariant=True)

class Thing(Protocol[T_COT_Item]):
    def do_something(self, item: T_COT_Item) -> None: ...

To instead have this:

from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class Thing(Protocol[T_Item]):
    item: T_Item

    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

Or this:

from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

T_CO_Item = TypeVar("T_CO_Item", covariant=True)

class Thing(Protocol[T_CO_Item]):
    def item(self) -> T_CO_Item: ...

    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

Such that the changeable API surface being acted on is separate from the signature of the function doing the action.

Note that in both these situations, we are able to represent the two sides of the design coin such that the implementation is generic and the usage is not

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, TypeVar, cast

T_CO_Item = TypeVar("T_CO_Item", covariant=True)

class ForImplementation(Protocol[T_CO_Item]):
    def item(self) -> T_CO_Item: ...

    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

class ForUse(Protocol):
    def do_something(self) -> None: ...

class Implementation:
    item: MyItem

    def do_something(self) -> None:

    _FI: ForImplementation[MyItem] = cast(Implementation, None)
    _FU: ForUse = cast(Implementation, None)

The import_string pattern for generics

The pattern I introduced above to make import_string type safe also works really well for generics. For example, in comparison to this incorrect implementation:

from import Sequence
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class Collection(Protocol[T_Item]):
    def calculate(self) -> Sequence[T_Item]: ...

# There's nothing to bind to T_Item here!
def get_some_instance() -> Collection[T_Item]:
    return import_string(settings.MY_COLLECTION_CLASS)()

class Item:

def get_some_specific_instance() -> Collection[Item]:
    return import_string(settings.MY_COLLECTION_CLASS)()

In both of our getter functions here, there's nothing to confirm that what we're returning matches what we've specified. And, even worse, that first one effectively returns a shrug emoji!

Let's handle the slightly less straightforward one first, get_some_instance

First we need to be able to bind that type var. Essentially a type var needs to be associated with an input to be bound to something specific. Essentially like simple algebra, given "X + 3", substitute in a value for "X" to solve the equation.

def get_some_instance(item_kls: type[T_Item]) -> Collection[T_Item]:
    return import_string(settings.MY_COLLECTION_CLASS)()

And then we can create our intermediary class used to create the final result in a way that's type safe:

import abc
from import Sequence
from typing import Generic, Protocol, TypeVar

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class Collection(Protocol[T_Item]):
    def calculate(self) -> Sequence[T_Item]: ...

class CollectionMaker(Generic[T_Item], abc.ABC):
    def make(self, item_kls: type[T_Item]) -> Collection[T_Item]: ...

def get_some_instance(item_kls: type[T_Item]) -> Collection[T_Item]:
    constructor = import_string(settings.MY_COLLECTION_CLASS)()
    assert isinstance(constructor, CollectionMaker)
    return constructor.make(item_kls)

The other getter might be a little simpler depending on whether our base class is generic or not. Easiest case being we have a base class that isn't generic itself:

import abc
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, TypeVar, cast

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")

class Collection(Protocol[T_Item]):
    def calculate(self) -> Sequence[T_Item]: ...

class Item:

class SpecificCollection(abc.ABC):
    def calculate(self) -> Sequence[Item]: ...

def get_some_specific_instance() -> Collection[Item]:
    instance = import_string(settings.MY_COLLECTION_CLASS)()
    assert isinstance(instance, SpecificCollection)
    return instance

    _SC: Collection[Item] = cast(SpecificCollection, None)

Otherwise we can say the expectation is that the setting points to a CollectionMaker and implement our specific getter in terms of the generic getter

def get_some_specific_instance() -> Collection[Item]:
    return get_some_instance(Item)

So why not pass around the base classes instead?

When I think about API design, I think of it as the "two sides of the coin" as I've mentioned in passing above, where you have the API from the perspective of how it's used and the API from the perspective of how it's implemented. And that perspective is relative to what/who is using the code rather than relative to the code itself.

In my experience, there generally isn't a 1:1 relationship between the API surface from those two perspectives because the user doesn't want to change their code when the implementation changes, and different implementations tend to think about the solution in different ways.

This means it's possible, and good, to create different abc classes that all satisfy the same interface, but prioritise different aspects of how to achieve that interface. This means you may have an abc class that already has an implementation for the primary interface and requires subclasses to implement a different set of methods to fill in the blanks. Whereas a different abc for the same primary interface may do the same but for an entirely different set of methods, or indeed only care about the primary interface. In all cases, these extra methods are not relevant to the primary interface and the caller should not know about them, and the static type checker ain't gonna complain about you accessing underscore prefixed attributes, but it will complain about attributes that statically aren't available!

There's also the scenario where different parts of the codebase may have different, non overlapping needs from the same object. Perhaps one part of the codebase only requires an interface for writing data, whereas a different part of the codebase only requires reading data. This is especially obvious when you create stub implementations for tests and find yourself creating a method that raises NotImplementedError cause that method is part of the interface, but irrelevant to that part of the code.

Using a protocol we are able to specify the API surface we need, without imposing any restriction or expectation around what is needed to implement that API surface.

Namespaces are one honking great idea

Naming is an important thing and I'll quickly give my strong opinion on this as well. Say we have these two classes:

import dataclasses
from typing import Protocol

class Item(Protocol):
    def a(self) -> int: ...

class Item:
    a: int

We need a way to differentiate the two. Personally I'm not a fan of doing something like class P_Item and I'd rather keep the protocols as "clean" as possible to make them more natural to use

What I do instead is to prefer a file structure such that my module has a "protocols" namespace so whenever I use a protocol it always appears as my_module.protocols.XXX. So within the same module:

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from . import protocols

class Item:
    a: int

    _I: protocols.Item = cast(Item, None)

And outside of the module:

from my_codebase import my_amazing_code

def takes_item(item: my_amazing_code.protocols.Item) -> int:
    return item.a

def make_item() -> my_amazing_code.protocols.Item:
    return my_amazing_code.items.Item(a=20)

This also means I do have one place that defines the API surface that my code wants to provide and work with

To make this work without also explicitly doing a from my_codebase.my_amazing_code import protocols, items requires a for that module that has something like

from . import protocols, items

Which will work as long as the files within that module don't do an import that accesses attributes on the module itself. So this is fine:

# assuming the module has a 
from . import protocols

But within the module, this is not:

from my_codebase import my_amazing_code

# If this happens at module level while importing the module, then python
# would complain that you're accessing an attribute on a partially imported module

Prefer immutable protocols

One final strong opinion from me is around preferring immutable interfaces. The general rule I have here is that if you have an object that requires a transformation after instantiation to be complete, then you actually have two objects. One object representing the first "wave" of data, and an object that represents the transformation of that data.

A great example of this is in a mypy plugin I made for Django projects that requires runtime Django introspection to do what it needs to do. I start with information about where the project is and what is needed to start it up. I use this Project object to create a Loaded instance which has all the information from starting up Django, and then I use that to create a Discovered which has all information that is relevant to my plugin and in a format that's easy to work with.

Whereas a more "straight forward" approach would be to have all of this extra information that requires an operation be defined as optional values on the Project. By representing these different states as different objects I remove the need to do a bunch of is None checks all over the place to ensure that these optional values have values.

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import NewType, Protocol, Self, TypeVar

from django.apps.registry import Apps
from django.conf import LazySettings

T_Project = TypeVar("T_Project", bound="Project")

ImportPath = NewType("ImportPath", str)
ConcreteModelsMap = Mapping[ImportPath, Sequence["Model"]]

# The real code has more properties, but I'll ignore that here for brevity
class Project(Protocol):
    Represents a Django project to be analyzed

    def root_dir(self) -> pathlib.Path:
        Where the django project lives

    def additional_sys_path(self) -> Sequence[str]:
        Any additional paths that need to be added to sys.path

    def env_vars(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
        Any additional environment variables needed to setup Django

    def load_project(self) -> Loaded[Self]:
        Do necessary work to load Django into memory

# The real code has more properties, but I'll ignore that here for brevity
class Loaded(Protocol[T_Project]):
    Represents a Django project that has been setup and loaded into memory

    def project(self) -> T_Project:
        The project that was loaded

    def settings(self) -> LazySettings:
        The instantiated Django settings object

    def apps(self) -> Apps:
        The instantiated Django apps registry

    def perform_discovery(self) -> Discovered[T_Project]:
        Perform discovery of important information from the loaded Django project

# The real code has more properties, but I'll ignore that here for brevity
class Discovered(Protocol[T_Project]):
    def loaded_project(self) -> Loaded[T_Project]:
        The loaded django project that was analyzed

    def installed_apps(self) -> list[str]:
        The value of the settings.INSTALLED_APPS setting.

    def concrete_models(self) -> ConcreteModelsMap:
        The map of concrete models key'd by their import path.

# Including this for completeness of the example, but ignoring what's on it for brevity
class Model(Protocol):

Something to notice about this example is that on each protocol class, all the attributes are decorated with @property which means that they are read only. I'd love to instead have something like apps: ReadOnly[Apps] but mypy does not provide that.

I tend to then implement these protocols with frozen dataclasses or frozen attr classes.

And then in that project I use it via this orchestrator class:

import abc
import dataclasses
import pathlib
from typing import Generic

from typing_extensions import Self

from .. import protocols

# Parts of this are removed for brevity
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class VirtualDependencyHandler(Generic[protocols.T_Project], abc.ABC):
    discovered: protocols.Discovered[protocols.T_Project]

    def create(cls, *, project_root: pathlib.Path, django_settings_module: str) -> Self:
        return cls(

    def make_project(
        cls, *, project_root: pathlib.Path, django_settings_module: str
    ) -> protocols.T_Project: ...

Or if I already have a loaded instance of Django, like I do in the tests for the project at work, I can instead start from the Loaded class:

import dataclasses
import pathlib

from extended_mypy_django_plugin import django_analysis
from tools.typechecking.virtual_dependencies import VirtualDependencyHandler

PROJECT_ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent

def test_querysets_have_unique_names():
    # We can't use the settings fixture because it's not actually a LazySettings
    # This test does not make changes to this object and so this is fine
    from django.apps import apps
    from django.conf import settings

    # Create the object representing the project with a custom discoverer
    # That will record information about each model/field it comes across
    project = dataclasses.replace(
            project_root=PROJECT_ROOT / "src", django_settings_module="tests.settings"
            # Here I add custom discovery logic so the test can do something different
            # These are objects that take in an instance of Loaded to operate on

    # We already have a loaded django project, so we can create our own Loaded instance
    # without performing that startup logic again
    loaded_project = django_analysis.Loaded(

    # Execute the discovery logic

    # And then logic happens here that interprets what was discovered
    # To find querysets that need to be given unique names

Thanks for reading

Hopefully this has been useful. It's a different mindset to think about Python from a static perspective. It's such a dynamic language and the best kind of python is able to lean into that without relying on hidden side effects. I really do believe that having static types can be used to add structure without removing flexibility, and tends to only very awkward when we're doing things we shouldn't be doing anyways!